Thursday, May 19, 2011

Somethings Missing

Can you tell what it is?
OH How he would kill me if he knew I posted this!

Ohh well.. I think Mr. Johnson is looking quite handsome minus the goatee?  He's had that bad boy for 9 straight years! It's quite comical really... I can't take him serious, and can't stop laughing when he talks to me!  Poor guy is getting a complex because everyone just giggles at him!
I do love it... It's just taking some time to get used to!

Also missing is my Mothers Day Post!

We had a lovely day!
My mother came up, and we all spent the day together! I hope we made moms day as nice as possible! There is nothing worse than the loss of a child, and mothers day's seems to hit her pretty hard! So we loved on her a lot...

                                                         All the Mama's in the house!
                                Mama Johnson and her kiddos, at our Johnson Mothers day Dinner.
                                           Myself and my Wonderful Mama!!  I Love her so much!
             My boy's were precious... as was goatee free Jess, that day and showered me with lot's of love!


  1. Love the post on Jess!! hehehe Your Mother's day pictures are fabulous!! What a bunch of pretty ladies:) xoxo charity

  2. I laughed so hard because he looks like Sally! He is still so handsome though:)


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