This ones for you SISTER!

Today we spoke many times on the phone! Tonight I called you and you answered half asleep...due to our 2 hour distance :( !! I called you on my way home from dinner with my girlfriends at Sopi Thai (yummy). Leaving the restaurant while driving home I was thinking how much fun I had...but no matter how much fun I have with my friends, it could never come close to how I enjoy being with you! I miss our special times just doing nothing. Our photoshoots re-do's & more photoshoots, and our special lingo that's just plain silly! YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND!! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH, and wish I had you here with me everyday!! You are so beautiful, and special to me and I want you to know I LOVE YOU & MISS YOU EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!
I miss you MOM, JAMES & JACY like Crazy too!
OMG! I love you so much! And miss you so much more, this serioulsy brought tears to my eyes thinking about all our memories and fun times! I wish I still lived right around the corner! :( I MISS YOU SO MUCH! And I cant wait to visit. Your my favorite person in the whole world! I love you and miss you.